If the pesky fleas infest your pregnant dog, you have to act fast to prevent it from spreading. What flea treatment can I use on my pregnant dog? Aside from that, some anti-flea products can affect the growth of the puppies inside the dog’s tummy. Adverse reactions may also occur if you administer specific flea products. Unlike healthy, fixed dogs, pregnant canines are more sensitive. However, the challenge here is removing the fleas. Also, anemia is very dangerous for pregnant canines as this will put the lives of the unborn puppies at risk. The flea bites will add up to the discomfort the pregnant dog is going through. Please read here furminator labrador short or long hair. For a pregnant canine, these effects would be more dangerous. Without treatment, the dog will succumb to anemia, massive skin infections, hair loss, and allergic reactions. In just a span of three to four weeks, they can reproduce in hundreds. Conclusion How does a flea infestation affect a pregnant dog?įleas can wreak havoc on a dog’s body.