Macbook Pro 15' Unibody 2.53ghz, Mac OS X (10.5.7), Macbook Pro 2ghz Original, iPhone 3G S 32GB, iPod Touch 1st gen 16gb.Xdefaults for mwm (X windows) ! xterm*Font: -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal-12-* xterm*background: White xterm*vt100.geometry: 80x45+0+0 xterm*foreground: Black xterm.titleBar: true xterm.titleFont: Rom14 xterm*cursorColor: Red xterm*fullCursor: true xterm*scrollBar: true xterm*saveLines: 1000 xterm*loginShell: true xterm*fontMenu*font1*Label: Unreadable xterm*VT100*font1: nil2 ! You may. From top, I see that I'm running quartz-wm, Xquartz, X11, and a few other things. This is sheer weirdness, and it no doubt stems from being able to run X11 1.0 as a root window. The dock isn't running, and neither is the Finder. For example, I'm typing this into Safari right now this way.